Giúp Ghi Danh Bảo Hiểm Y Tế Miễn Phí - Health Insurance Enrollment Services

05 Tháng Tư 20217:04 CH(Xem: 5303)
Giúp Ghi Danh Bảo Hiểm Y Tế Miễn Phí - Health Insurance Enrollment Services

MNsure Special Enrollment Period

MNsure is offering a special enrollment period (SEP) for any Minnesotan who is uninsured or not currently enrolled in a qualified health plan.

The special enrollment period runs Tuesday, February 16 through Monday, May 17.

Portico navigators are here to help you apply for health insurance. Phone based appointments are available in your language. Call us at 651.489.2273 to schedule an appointment.

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